Monday, March 11, 2013

Trinity Night

So Jacob's family has a tradition called Trinity Night. I don't think they did it on a regular basis but every once and awhile they'd watch and old western movie while eating chicken and beans on their tin plates with their wooden spoons. They'd also get root beer in a bottle and just have a fun time together eating and watching a movie. We've had Trinity Night once or twice with Savannah but never with Olivia and we decided Sunday night would be the perfect time to introduce her to this fun family tradition. I made chicken in the crock pot and we had some of Jacob's dad's killer beans left over from a pot luck at school. Savannah was so excited about the root beer and the girls loved that we watched Rango for our western movie. It really was a super fun time and I really do want to carry this tradition on into our little family. Also what really set the tone was when Olivia asked me to tuck her napkin in her shirt, it was adorable.

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