Monday, December 21, 2009

Busy Week

So this past week has been VERY busy in the Jefferies house. On Monday Savannah had her 15mo check up, she is doing great. She is 33 in long and 22.5 lbs, its amazing to see how big she has gotten since she was born time just flies. While at this appt her doctor nicely told me that she's going to start being a danger to herself just because she is so active and very curious. For those of you who interact with Savannah on a regular basis or get to hear me talk about her you know this to be true. It is very rare to find her sitting still she is always on the move and trying to push her limits. She wants to see everything and has no fear, she could care less if her mom or dad are with her she'll just go off and explore on her own and then try to find you when she's done. It can be quite exhausting to try and keep up with her. So after this appt she learned 4 new tricks which I don't quite like but are a sign that she's growing up and become more independent, something else I don't like. This past week Savannah learned how to climb onto our kitchen chairs and stand on the table. She learned how to pull out the drawer under the oven so now she can stand on the thin edge and get anything on the counter and in any top drawer. Also this puts her at a prime spot to get the front two burners on our oven. My favorite thing she learned to do this week was to climb out of her crib and onto her changing table! Now they are attached to each other but still, watching her do this makes me stop breathing because her head is hanging over the crib and she can fall face first onto the floor at any moment. Once she's on her changing table she reaches over the side and opens her pants drawer and then proceeds to pull out all her pants and skirts. You can see why this is my favorite. Then yesterday she learned another new trick. For naps I know put her in her pack-n-play since there is no way she can get out. This of course frustrates her to no end so her retaliation is now to undress herself. I went in to check on her and she's sleeping shirtless in her bed, then later on that evening she once again decided that there was no need to wear a shirt and decided it was best to walk around topless. Well there you have it, my little Savannah is growing up to be a naked circus performer and I'm just along for the ride. Also this week I have to clean my entire house for those who will be staying here and pack for 3 people for a 2 week trip to Maryland where they just got 2 feet of snow. Maybe we'll have a white Christmas after all. My only hope is that with all the new things Savannah is learning that 1 she won't get us kicked off the airplane and 2 her family in Maryland will still love her after our visit. She is cute enough thought that its almost impossible to stay mad at her...she takes after her dad.

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