Sunday, October 9, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

So do your kids go through phases when they really love a certain food and then that love seems to fade? Both my girls do this hence I had to get the creative juices flowing so I wouldn't waste a bunch of yogurt.  I typically have a smoothie for one of my meals during the day or as an evening snack and I use yogurt in them. Both the girls would beg for one of my yogurts when I'd pull it out of the fridge so finally I bought them some of their own because I was tired of sharing. Once I finally got them their own they then decided that yogurt wasn't so great after all and suddenly I had an expiration date looming ahead and a desire to not waste what we had. Enter my brilliant to me idea to turn our yogurt into popsicles. I won't lie they are a pain to get out of the container, I wish I had a popsicle mold and then I would have used that with  hopefully a better outcome. Anyway they're a hit and I was proud of my little accomplishment to not waste what we had.


  1. You could always run the container under hot water to loosen up the sides...they should come out a bit easier.

  2. ...but you probably have tried that so...

  3. No I'm not that smart, thanks for the suggestion I'll totally try it.
