Sunday, July 5, 2009

For you mom...better late then never right?

Ok so when Savannah was born my mom was going to embroider a birth announcement for Savannah. Its something that my brothers and I all got and she wanted to make one for Savannah too. So after she got started she remembered how much work it is to sew one of them and decided to be a bit creative and make a different kind of announcement. Well I loved what she ended up doing and all I needed was for Jacob to make me a frame so we could hang it up. Well here we are 9 months later and I finally have my frame and the name plauge hung up. I must say I'm quite pleased with how it all turned out and I love how it all looks together.


  1. well that looks great! good job on the frame and it looks nice over the crib.

  2. I love it! What a fantastic idea! Your mom should market the idea on her website!
