Monday, June 28, 2010

What the Heck

So when I was in high school I went to early morning seminary and I actually loved it! I was/kinda still am a morning person. I would get up at 4:30 every morning to get ready for school before I got picked up for seminary, then I went to college. There I learned how much I also enjoyed sleeping in. I still consider myself a morning person and apparently Savannah is taking after me because although Jacob gets up early for work he is not a morning person. So what is the point of this post you may be asking yourself? Well since I've become pregnant this time around I have not been so much a morning person. I seem to get my best sleep from 5am-8am or later and this seems to be a problem for Savannah. She typically wakes up right at 7, she could actually be up earlier and I'd have no idea, that's just when she starts calling for me and knocking at her door to be let out of her room. As a side note, she can totally open doors but she can't seem to connect that all doorknobs are the same so she hasn't figured out she can open her door yet. Anyway back to my story, I thought yesterday was a fluke experience because she woke up at 6:20! Now Saturday was a busy day for us, we cleaned the church at 7:30 went to the store afterwords then headed home to take showers and get ready for the day. Then we headed out to Middleton for a family reunion from 11-2 and then came home again. Savannah actually took a nap which was awesome and then we dropped off Savannah at Jacob's sister Jodi's where we all headed off to the temple at 5:30. Savannah got to play with 7 of her cousins while we went to the temple for Sarah and her fiance Ryan's endowment session. It was a really neat experience because out of 7 children, 6 were in the temple together along with their spouses/significant others and the only reason the 7th sibling couldn't be there is because they live in Arizona. So after the temple we headed back to Jodi's and had pizza and ice cream, we didn't end up coming home till like 10:30 and Savannah fell asleep in the car. So you'd think she'd be tired and sleep in a bit but no she woke up at 6:20! So yesterday was another busy day, we had church at 9 then when we were on the way home Savannah feel asleep and we needed to head out to Middleton again. So we took turns staying in the car and changing while Savannah slept. So she got about an hour nap and then we had lunch at Jacob's parents. Savannah was a whirlwind while we were there, she wanted to do everything and she was still exhausted from waking up too early and not sleeping long enough. The highlight of the day for her was getting to play in the neighbors sprinklers. Oh my gosh she was in heaven! So we headed home at 9 and once again she feel asleep in the car. So I'm naturally thinking oh she's totally gonna sleep so good because she's run herself ragged...I was wrong. She woke up at 6:14 this morning! Needless to say I'm exhausted and we have another busy day ahead of us so I'm hoping for more sleep soon and good behavior since I know we're both sleep deprived, wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Savannah is a little morning bird isn't she!?! :) I now that I have had Hayden and get to stay home with him, I SO am not a morning person anymore! Good luck and I hope Savannah starts to sleep in a little bit!
