Thursday, July 1, 2010

You Read Correctly

So I'm going to brag about myself for like a second and also share one of my favorite things. I am super proud of myself! I'm due in 5 weeks and so far I've gained 27 lbs this pregnancy. So why am I so proud of that? Well when I delivered Savannah I had gained 48 lbs even though I typically tell people I gained 50. I just end up rounding up which is ironic because whenever I tell Jacob the cost of something I always round down as a side note. So I ended up being 2 lbs away from weighing 200 lbs when I delivered Savannah. Jacob told me I should just shoot for 2 more to make it even and I just couldn't bear the though. Hence I'm excited I'm doing so much better this time around even though I'm bigger then I was with her, funny how that works isn't it. Another side note is I was 4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight when I got pregnant this time around. So yes I feel like I'm bragging and I don't care, I know everyone gains different amounts but as of now I'm super proud of myself so I thought I'd share.

Now onto one of my favorite things, its kind of a two things really but whatever. So I think I've mentioned before that getting Savannah to take a nap is a struggle. I basically have to physically exhaust her to get her to even consider taking a nap. We've been super busy this week so she's only had naps in the car which suck because they're never long enough and she still ends up cranky in the afternoon. So today I took her for a walk where she had to walk with me. I knew she was tired because she kept trying to get me to hold her which is basically impossible now because my stomach is HUGE! So why do I like taking her for walks? Well if you haven't figured it out its because once we get home we have lunch and then Savannah goes right down for a nap and will sleep anywhere from 3-4 hours. Needless to say this is fantastic for me because then I get 3-4 hours to have quite and I can do whatever I want which is awesome! Now another thing I love which Savannah kept doing on our walk is telling me "luv you". She kept speeding up her pace so she could get in front of me and then she would wrap her arms around my legs and look up at me to say "luv you" over and over. It was so tender and clever of her because typically after telling me she loved me she would then ask me to pick her up. She already knows how to get what she wants, its a good thing I'm so on to her tricks. I will also say though that "luv you" is one of her new favorite phrases because she says it all the time and she's very willing to say it to anyone. I still feel special though because she tells me just because.

1 comment:

  1. So very very very cute! I love the "luv you!" I am so super sad you aren't coming down in two weeks, but completely understand. :) Especially since I had Jarom 3 weeks early--you definitely don't want to go anywhere that close to your due date. I am so super proud of you too! 27 lbs is amazing! I am jealous, maybe the next time we get preggos, I will do better!
