Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So I know I'm pregnant and all but I hate my changing emotions. With Savannah I really didn't have this problem at all, just for one week and that was it. With this one I never know when it will strike and if the emotions I'm feeling are legitimate or just me having an overload and being a bit irrational. So, Savannah and I left for Maryland yesterday and even before we left I was in a bad mood and Savannah didn't help. Thank goodness for the day turning out MUCH better then I expected. Our first flight was like 35 minutes late which was bad because we only had a 35 minute layover in Salt Lake. I don't know why but it happened that our connecting flight held the plane for us which resulted in it leaving like 20 minutes late. Another stroke of good luck were the two wonderful women sitting next to us on the plane. They LOVED Savannah! She sat on their laps during take off, tried to steal their food, and drink their water and they ate it up. I would not have been so kind but I'm so thankful for people who are and who teach me lessons. I think I would have lost it if it hadn't been for these two women. Also I'm so grateful for my in-laws who let me borrow their DVD player because without it I don't even want to imagine what that 4 hour flight would have been like. I'm so grateful that Savannah could for the most part sit still for 5 1/2 hours when she typically can't sit still threw Sacrament Meeting. I'm also SO grateful for Cinderella, the only movie we watched and the only one that Savannah will watch sitting still and paying attention to. Finally after a long day we arrived at my parents and I was so happy to not be on a plane and to be home. Each time I come back to Maryland I realize even more how much I miss being here and I wish with all my heart I lived closer. I also realized how much I love, adore, appreciate, and need Jacob. When we called him last night to let him know we arrived safe and to tell him about our flight Savannah just jabbered away at him and I could hear it in his voice how much he missed her. When I finally got to talk to him I didn't want it to end and when it was time to say goodbye I almost couldn't bring myself to do it. I even cried a little when I got off the phone. I know its silly and that we're only going to be apart for 2 weeks but I laid there in bed wishing Jacob were hear with us and wondering what I was thinking leaving him for so long. Don't get me wrong I am so happy to be in Maryland and I I know I'll love every minute of it, but I wish my sweetheart were here with me to enjoy it to. I know I'd still feel this way even if I weren't pregnant but this emotional roller coaster can be intense.

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